Autos & Trucks
The ECO Fuel System is designed for all fuel types. Both commercial vehicles that operate +/-200 miles
daily and passenger vehicles both reduce Carbon Emissions 40% to over 70%.
Motors that are less than 5.0 liters and have less than 400 horsepower use the ECO-2. It is a low cost (-$300)
inline No Chemical, No maintenance proven and guaranteed solution to reducing Carbon Pollution.
What size do I need and how much does it cost (click here)? White Paper & Emission reports (click here).
Vehicle manufacturer or motor size does not matter. The ECO Fuel System works on all motors, Gas Diesel
or CNG. The unit needed depends on motor size.
Everyone needs to help reduce Carbon Pollution! The ECO can help you to reduce Carbon Emissions +/-60%.Low cost and easy to install. GO GREEN - Burn Clean!