Medical - WASTE

School Buses

    school bus 250x250


  • Reduce Diesel Regens
  • ROI +/-16 Days
  • ECO-5


  • Reduce Diesel Regens
  • (+/-10%) Fuel Savings
  • ROI +/-16 days


Products & Prices

  • Money Back Guarantee
  • No warranty Issues
  • Easy to install


WELCOME - Your Alternative to Reducing Expenses & Pollution TODAY!


Save Fuel - Increase MPG!


ECO 5xl
ECO 5 XL web Resized
Click on photo

Diesel - Biodiesel - Gas - CNG 

Save Fuel, Maintenence, Downtime and Pollution!
(click here)

Reduce Greenhouse Gases TODAY and Earn

No Chemicals - No Maintenance 

Real World Proof - NO RISK!

 Confused? Call (866) 374-0002

speak to a Knowledgeable Professional

ECOFuelMax has successfully assisted Waste, Trucking, Freight, Transportation, Warehouse and Fulfilment Services. We are dedicated to helping reduce
Expenses - Downtime - Pollution. 

Join the Thousands of Business, Goverment and Individuals (See Who Uses It) that
are saving Money by Reducing Fuel Consumption, 
Carbon Emissions, Maintenance
Expenses with increased Sustainability. A Proven Low Cost Solution: The Cost is
only hundreds of Dollars, not tens of thousands of Dollars! Call (561/860-6888) for
Pricing on your Motor(s). Guaranteed.

The ROI on a Diesel Long Haul Truck is +/-20 Days!

The Harris - Biden's Goal is to reduce Greenhouse Gases 50-55% by 2030.
The ECOFuelMax Pollution Solution You CAN DO IT TODAY!

For Hundreds of Dollars Not Thousands your vehicle(s), can achieve a +/-70% Pollution Reduction Today! - See How it Works.

Certified Emission Reports surpasses United States goals! CARB Approved, Made in America. It's all about SAVING Money! What are you waiting for? 

The BEST Test is on your own Vehicle(s). Take a Guaranteed NO Risk Money
Back Test, if unhappy for any reason return the unit(s) undamaged for a full refund. C.A.R.B. Approved, BBB A+ rated.

Press Release Revolutionary ECOFUELMAX Unmatched Fuel Savings Device 

The ECO Fuel System is a Guaranteed Proven Solution 

                                                          CARB Tested
          Reports show a +/-93.6% reduction of Total Hydrocarbons
 and a 10%+ reduction of Fuel
          Consumption - 
released by the California Air Rescource Board

Plan ahead and Pass the upcoming Clean Truck Rule
Approved in 11 States.


Recent Award/Recognition by the US Government

US Dept of Commerce
Click here


Expert opinions: +/-90% of Lithium batteries are made in China. Their ceation
and charging can omit more Carbon Pollution than a Fossil Fueled vehicle 
omits in +/-3 years. 

The ECO System operates on the scientific principal of Electrolysis/Electrostatic
Energy. By increasing the Vapor Pressure in fuel without 
Chemicals or Maintenence
it can reduce Fuel Consumption, Maintenance Expenses, Downtime and Greenhouse
Gases. NO Warranty issues, it only treats fuel, easy to install (click here).

Click here to view recent tests done on long haul Trucks (2023).

ransit Bus

Gillig Coach Bus MPG Regen Report

ROI on a Municipal Transit Bus (5.7 ltr diesel) that drives +/-315 Miles per day = 16 Days

December 2022 Report from Malawi 78% Reduction in Hydrocarbons-Diesel Regens, 14%+ in
Fuel Savings

October 2022 Report from Indonesia 77% Reduction in Hydrocarbons-Diesel Regens

It even works on Diesel Trains in Deli India. Fuel Savings 7.18% - 8,100Kg of
Carbon emissions reduced annually

 • How it Works: By increasing fuels Reid Vapor Pressure it burns more combustible, cleaner &
 efficiently. Reducing Carbon Pollution/Particulates

  Certified Reports, Reviews & References from Thousands of Installations
NO RISK Money Back Guarantee. List of Research & Testing (click here)

 • Information and Links: Links to desired information, Reports, References,
Videos, See Who Uses it.

COBRA CLEAN  A No HEAT DIY Biodegradable Non Toxic, Non Acidic
DPF Cleaner that melts Carbon Particulates & Soot. You can clean 5-7 DPF's
for the cost of Heat Cleaning 1 DPF. No Cracked DPF's due to Heat! Save 75%
Clean DPF's In-House, reduce Downtime.

Both the ECO Fuel System and Cobra Clean are simple low cost 
effective easy solutions to Reducing Maintenance Expenses 
Downtime and Fuel Consumption.

No RISK! 90 day money back satisfaction Guarantee
(BBB A+ Rating)

ECO Power Point - YouTube Presentations (click here)


    Actual Tail pipe Comparison

VideoColl 1

Simple Carbon Test

Left Side is a 2015 Ford Escape: 2.5 liter ECO 
Boost Motor 1
6,200 miles

Right Side is a 2015 F150: 5 liter motor,
98,500 miles

Want to Save Money while reducing pollution? 
Less maintenance, improved performance!



 Maintenance Savings 

REGEN's Eating your Budget? - Guaranteed to REDUCE DPF Maintenance 

Forced REGEN Cycles on a Diesel motor burns/wastes 7 to 10 gallons of fuel per
cycle and 
clogs a DPF. The ECO Fuel System can reduce Forced REGEN Cycles
40% to over 70% on D
iesel motors. We have customers who have reduced their
REGEN's 92%+.

How much money are you wasting? Start Saving TODAY!

                   Keep Your Vehicles on the Road, NOT in the Shop!                       

• Products (click here)
                                       No RISK - Guaranteed!

How it Works  (click here)

Reid Vapor Pressure - Diesel Fuel +/- 6% (60% increase)
Reid Vapor Pressure - Gasoline Fuel +/- 7.4% - +/- 8.2% (10% increase)

The ECO Fuel System is not new. For over 15 years the ECO Fuel System has been committed to protecting and preserving our environment. Using the ECO Fuel System
helps to reduce Carbon Pollution/Particulates and Greenhouse Gases 
40% to over
70%. Utilizing the Scientific principle of Electrostatic Energy (Electrolysis) it causes
fuel to burn more Combustible and Cleaner. Increase efficiency, Reduce Maintenance
costs and Downtime. Help to preserve our Environment while saving money. 

ROI +/-30 Days A cleaner burning fuel can reduce DPF maintenance (+/-70%).

 Whitepaper - Operating Principals by Richard Carlson a developer of the Diesel
   Particulate F
ilter & 
Catalytic Converter.  

 Power Point Presentation


 Autos - Charter/Coach Buses School Buses Trucks - Marine - Trains

We have documented results (test results) on all types of motors and vehicles:
School Buses, Coaches, Trucks, Marine, Gasoline, Propane and CNG. 
Forced REGEN's are almost 
entirely eliminated. Exted time between cleaning.

For more information, call: (561) 860-6888 - (866) 374-0002

Save thousands of $$ per year in Maintenance Expenses & Downtime!

         No Chemicals - No Maintenance - No Electricity

ECO 4 Installation 2017 Dodge RAM

ECO 4 Installation 2018 Thomas School Bus( 6.7 Liter Cummins)

                            The World is Going GREEN with the ECO

Toyota Innova Diesel Truck reduces emissions 61% (pdf)
Maruti-Swift (Suzuki) 2013 Diesel engine reduces emissions almost 50% (pdf)
These vehicles test results were based on certified government testing 
Locomotive with Cummins Diesel engine saves 7.18% in fuel (pdf)
California Air Resources Board - CARB Tested (June 29, 2016)

Regens Hurting your Budget? REGEN 101

Diesel Particulate Matter is more regulated than ever. Every fleet is dealing
with the high cost of maintenance and down time, the ECO is a solution to
saving Money.

• Ambulance (EMS) Regen problems solved! 

Test results for a fleet of 20 EMS units with ECO-4's installed showed a 72%+
reduction in Diesel Regeneration Cycles.
(See Results) We don't eliminate
the regeneration cycles, but by enhancing the Reid Vapor Pressure and
the Air to Fuel Ratios in fuel they are required much less often. This leads
to a longer life and less maintenance for some expensive parts.
Average annual savings; $1,000 to over $5,000/yr. 

  Coach Buses - Transit
Recent over the road testing on multiple New York, Florida, Georgia and Texas
Transit operations all showed favorable results. As a recommended test, 10
ECO-4 units were installed on 10 high mileage Coach Buses with Cummins
Diesel motors. The average daily miles driven was +/-300 miles at an
average speed of +/-16 MPH. These buses before installing the ECO Fuel
System went into Forced REGEN Cycles multiple times per week, some
daily causing the need to be towed into the shop. 

We are proud to be helping fleets of both new and older vehicles reduce
Hydrocarbon Pollution 40% - 70%+. In a majority of cases the  
ROI +/- 20 days. No Warranty issues, The ECO only treats fuel, no motor

• School Buses
Recent over the road testing on multiple Texas, New York, South Carolina
and California area School Bus operations on both Diesel and Gas all
showed favorable results. Do a No Risk Test on your buses.
Recommended test: 10 ECO-4 units on 10 School Buses.

      Who is using it?
     How the ECO Fuel Enhancer Works
     Products & Pricing-What size ECO do I need
School References 
        Cummins Warranty letter

ECO Fuel Saving Reports: Buses, Trucks, Trains 
ECO Installation Examples (click here)
Blog click here for the latest updates

ECO Systems Fuel Enhancer Presentations
School Buses - Coaches - Commercial Trucks. (click here)


Detailed Photo Installation Instructions (click here)

Sample installations 
Installed between the fuel filter and the engine intake. 


Installation on a Caterpillar Diesel

Oil Field Services
13.4% savings over a 70,000 mile test on multiple trucks. Request a copy.

Independent Fuel & Regen Study on 20 EMS vehicles

    (click here for larger view)

Clean Air Initiatives

ECO Systems Fuel Enhancer provides a cleaner burn and reduced harmful
emissions. Do your part, and save fuel at the same time.

 KXAN News features police department saving with ECO System
(you may not be able to view video in Mozilla, use IE or Chrome)

 ECO System Fuel Enhancer Product description
Reduce emissions, diesel particulates and improve your fuel economy with the
ECO  Fuel System.

 How it Works is the official overview from the inventor, manufacturer, and

 Congressional Recognition for ECO System Customers
Congressman Rubén Hinojosa of Texas and many more.

Products are designed to reduce regulated hydrocarbons from the air, and save
Our products are proven to be excellent.                                                                                 

 ECO Systems Fuel Enhancer Quick Reference
Schools Police |Govt  | Trucks Boilers Kits | Test Data Reviews  

 School Districts & County Governments
The call to action for School Boards and County Governments is to reduce

pollution. The ECO Systems Fuel Enhancer is being used by over 200
School Districts & City Governments, on everything from squad cars
to heavy equipment. Many over 10 years. (References)

 ECO Fuel Systems, LLC
Is a Direct wholesale factory Warehouse Distributor and manufacturer's representative
for Better Emissions manufacturer of he ECO Systems Fuel Enhancers & Cobra Clean.
We are dedicated to helping educate Municipalities, Government, Public, Companies,
School Systems and the world on how to  reduce Carbonpollution, fuel consumption
and Diesel Regeneration Cycles - DPF maintenance for a low initial cost. The ROI
on a Transport Truck +/-12 days, Transit Bus +/-20 Days, Ambulance +/-20 Days,
Waste +/- 12 Days, Gasoline Automobiles +/-120 days (depending on use).

(you may not be able to view video in Mozilla, use Google or Chrome)

About our Averages:
Our averages are based on Real World Testing by our customers. Commercial customers, School
districts, County government, City government, and Consumers. This data has been accumulated
over the last 15+ years. Lab tests help explain some of the physics
of the ECO Systems, in-service
testing has been the only method that proves the technology.
Your vehicles, Your data, Your fuel
and Your driving, thus giving you your real results, and money
in the bank, not the fuel pump.
The better test protocols involve make sure that good historical data
is available, then installing a
minimum of 5 units (for a fleet customer) and not telling the drivers. Record fuel
regens, and other metrics over a few weeks. Nine times out of ten, there will be a fuel
savings -
many times it's considerable.

Recommended Testing Procedures

                                                                                                 News Station Reports



                                                                Drilling Rig saving 150 gal/day
                                                                ECO-5 ($450.00) saves 150 gallons per day.                                                             

                                                                Detroit Diesel on Scorpion drilling rig

                                                               The larger the engine, the faster the ROI. Installation is not difficult



  Drilling Rigs saving 150 gal/day - ECO-5 for large engines
  Trucking, Big Rigs saving 6%-15% on fuel - ECO-5 for Large Engines 
  Marine saving 10%-20% on fuel - ECO-4 for engines < 400HP   
  Large Generators and Gas Boilers saving +/-10% on fuel 
  4 Models: ECO-2 (1/2" line) ECO-4 & ECO-5 (3/4" line) - ECO-7 (1.5" line)      

WARNING! The fuel saver name has been hijacked by a few OBDII
computer software modifier companies promoted Online. It has no relation, 
permission, or anything to do with the ECO Fuel System or
(read more)

                                                Call (866) 374-0002 or Contact/Email Us

