Farmers on the move – Saving Fuel with

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Farmers on the move – Saving Fuel with

Harvest time is almost here, Farmers have found a way to reduce their Diesel Fuel consumption using the ECOFuelMaximizer.


PRLog-Aug. 26, 2014-MIAMI--With fuel prices raising on a regular basis it affects the cost of our food. It only took a short demonstration to help our hard working Farmers save fuel. Over the years they have been taken advantage of and are slow to make changes. Until recently, most of the ECO systems have been sold out of the country. The American Farmer is bringing it back home.

Studies show that it costs a Farmer approximately 6 gallons of fuel per acre to plant, till and harvest their crops. Livestock farmers spend as much fuel in other ways. With the price of fuel at almost four dollars a gallon something needs to be done to help Farmers.

Having a farming background, one of the principals of the ECOFuelMaximizer took this product directly to the farm community. With a 90 day money back guarantee on a product that costs less than $400 (US) and can save +/-10% in fuel, what would a smart farmer/businessman do? With No RISK, give it a try, if not return it.

The ECOFuelMaximizer is a No Chemical, No Maintenance, No Problem patented fuel enhancer that has been around for over 14 years. It is currently installed on over ten thousand school buses, police vehicles, fire engines, trucks, boats, tractors, combines and more… As a BBB member in good standing for over ten years with zero complaints they have proven themselves as a quality business that cares.

The ECO Fuel System, LLC team has been involved in advancing fuel savings and reducing Carbon Pollution since 1999. They are very excited about dealing directly with the Farming community to help them reduce the cost of energy and hopefully food prices.

The ECOFuelMaximizer is available to anyone interested in saving fuel and helping our environment. For the latest information and updates email or call us. Pass it on.

Go GREENBurn Clean

Media Contact
Cary Nagdeman
(866) 374-0002

Bus Conversions & Motor Homes - Fuel Saving solutions

Bus conversion owners are hands on group of Motor Home enthusiasts always looking for ways to improve and save fuel
PRLog-Aug. 21, 2014-BOCA RATON, Fla.--It’s not an easy task to reconfigure a full sized bus that once carried passengers from point A to point B. Many of these conversions date back as far as the sixties. The majority of Bus conversion owners are smart, successful retired professionals and business owners that appreciate quality. Conversions are a very costly measure to become the King of the open road.

In recent years nothing has affected these Bus owners and the Motor Home community more than the cost of fuel. Studies show that these luxury Bus Conversions might get 6 MPG and omit excessive black smoke or Carbon Pollution. There are a couple of good cost effective solutions that are guaranteed to work.

Bus Conversion Groups and Motor Home owners have been searching for and have discovered the ECOFuelMaximizer, a low cost ($270-$450) inline fuel vaporizer guaranteed to work. Installed and working for over 14 years, on thousands of School Buses, Motor Homes, Big Rigs, and Heavy Equipment, Boats and even on Police and Fire vehicles.

The ECO fuel enhancer is a No Chemical, No Maintenance patented & proven alternative to reduce Fuel consumption and Carbon Pollution. On newer diesels it reduces Regen maintenance. The ECOFuelMaximizer has a 90 day return Guarantee policy. You don’t like it, return it.

Another solution that has been around for many years is Hydrogen. Many companies have come and gone, those that remain are the leaders in the Hydrogen Fuel revolution. The HydroDynamo Booster is one that can increase MPG +/- 50% and reduce your Carbon Footprint 90%+ has joined forces with to offer the public, businesses and Governmental agencies alternatives to controlling Carbon Pollution and reducing fuel consumption.

It is time to Act! If you or anyone you know is interested in saving fuel and reducing pollution call or email for the latest information and updates.

GO GREEN – Burn Clean!

Media Contact
Cary Nagdeman
(866) 866-374-0002

New Website for fuel saving updates -

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Everyone is asking “How can I save on fuel and get better mileage?” Now there is a place you can go for the latest information, products and updates.


ECOFuelMaximizer Save Fuel Reduce Pollution
PRLog-Jul. 25, 2014-FORT LAUDERDALE, is an information source with links to information sites (government, corporate and private) with products to help consumers; businesses and government reduce fuel consumption and Carbon Pollution.

With the cost of fuel rising and pollution changing our environment are causing the public to react. Changes in our weather patterns, flooding, storms, and tornadoes can be blamed on Global warming, a direct cause of Carbon Pollution.

It is time for the public to act. A gallon of gasoline has 19.42 pounds of Carbon Dioxide; a gallon of diesel fuel has 22.2 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (EPA). There are alternatives that businesses and the public can act on to help reduce the pollution that is causing Global Warming and health issues.

We need to protect our families and children from allergies and even worse cancer caused by the pollution we create. Years have gone by denying anything is wrong,  Carbon Dioxoid levels are at the highest levels in our history over 400 PPM. How long will it be until it is too late? Learn what you can do to help.

ECO Fuel Systems, LLC realizes the need to make the public aware and help save our environment. If your business, you or anyone you know wants to be informed call or email for more information.

Media Contact
ECO Fuel Systems
(866) 374-0002

Mileage report ECO Fuel Maximizer on a Hydro Dynamo Booster 75% total mileage improvement

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The Hydro Dynamo Hydrogen Booster has been a highly regarded product over the years. In a recent real time test adding an ECO Fuel Maximizer, MPG went from 28 MPG to 35.6 MPG.


PRLog (Press Release) - Jul. 10, 2014 - BOCA RATON, Fla. -- Test dates: June 27 to June 30, 2014. The test vehicle was a 2009 Chrysler 300 Touring with a 3.5 V6 gasoline engine. This vehicle has been running a Hydro Dynamo Booster # 2 for over fifty thousand miles. Initially the Hydrogen Booster increased the MPG from 15.2 MPG city to 17 MPG, highway mileage increased from 21 MPG to 27 MPG.

An ECO2 Fuel Enhancer was added to the 2009 Chrysler. After a 3,255 mile seasoning, a 850 mile highway road trip with a OBD 2 scanner was run. Mathimatical calculations were done to verify the MPG results.

Highway mileage increase substantially, 26.7% from the previously recorded 27 MPG to 35.6 MPG. The Chrysler at a set controlled speed (78 MPH) with the Hydro Dynamo Booster 2 and an ECO2 Fuel Maximizer had a total fuel improvement of 75% from the original basis. The reduction of Hydro Carbons was in excess of 90%.

The Hydro Dynamics HHO, Inc. team has embraced every opportunity to reduce Carbon Pollution and increase fuel efficiency since 1999. The opportunity is here now; it is time for the public to act! Due to recent discoveries the technologies are now affordable for businesses and individuals to act. With products like the Hydro Dynamo Booster and the ECO Fuel Maximizer we can help reduce pollution and our dependence on fossil fuels.Individuals and Companies who are interested in learning more about Fuel efficiency and Pollution reduction call or email for the latest information and updates.

GO GREEN – Burn Clean!

ECO Fuel Systems, LLC

Reduce Carbon Pollution and Help Reduce Global Warming – ECOFuelMaximizer

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No one can say our weather patterns haven’t’ changed. The scientific opinion is that it is extremely likely Global warming is caused by Humans (Wikipedia).


PRLog (Press Release)-Jul. 1, 2014-ATLANTA--The time to act is now! In recent years extreme Rain, Snow, Ice storms, Tornadoes, and flooding have been continually getting worse. We need to realize that Humans are the major cause and do something to help stop omitting excessive Hydro Carbons into the atmosphere.

The leading worldwide major contributors to pollution is Automobiles and Trucks. There are two proven methods to help reduce the Carbon footprint in Gasoline and Diesel engines.

By reducing the Carbon Pollution a savings in fuel can be obtained between 10% and 50%. Two methods to increase fuel economy and reduce pollution are:

1.     ECOFuelMaximizer is an inline fuel enhancer that can reduce internal combustion engines Carbon Footprint between 40% to 60% with a 10%+ in fuel savings. It is a low cost, No Chemical, No Maintenance solution. Currently installed on thousands of School Buses, Police Cars, Delivery Trucks and Marine applications. To help in the fight, the manufacturer offers a 90 day full refund Guarantee, the public has nothing to lose.

2.     Hydro Dynamo Booster is a state of the art Hydrogen Booster that has improvements others do not have. It can reduce an engines Carbon Footprint 90%+ and can increase fuel savings as much as 50%. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Our environment needs the public’s help. Governmental agencies react slowly and to date little is being accomplished. These two options offer immediate assistance to the reduction of Carbon Pollution and Fuel use. It is the duty of the Public around the world to put forth the effort to help resolve this Global issue.

Hydro Dynamics HHO, Inc. is constantly looking for the latest technologies to help our environment and increase fuel efficiency. Hydro Dynamics now offers the ECOFuelMaximizer with all its products. Individuals and Companies who are interested in learning more about the new Hydrogen technologies that can help reduce fuel costs and Carbon Pollution call or email us for the latest information and updates.

GO GREEN – Burn Clean!

Cindy T.
(866) 374-0002