Hydro Dynamics HHO tests the ECO Fuel System Enhancer
The tests reveled that the ECO Fuel Enhancer is a simple easy to connect an inline fuel Vaporizer the separates the HC (Hydro Carbon) molecules from fuel. Hydro Dynamics HHO, Inc. Testing was conducted on a variety of diesel engines; a 6 liter 220 HP bench test engine running a generator and a large Cummins ISX-15 engine with 525 HP on a Freightliner long haul truck. The ECO Fuel Enhancer maintained a 10.4% improvement on the bench test engine while the Cummins ISX-15 showed a 5.6% improvement over the road.
Part two of the test was done with a Hydro Dynamo Hydrogen Booster. Incredibly the results more than doubled. The 220 HP engine had a 21.4% improvement and the Cummins ISX-15 showed a remarkable improvement to 16.4%.
In today’s world with the price of fuel constantly rising the Public, Private companies and Governmental agencies are all looking for ways to reduce costs. It is Hydro Dynamics HHO feeling that the ECO Fuel System Enhancer is a beneficial fuel saving device. When paired with a Hydrogen Booster it makes more Hydrogen using less power. The less power used the more efficient the results. Due the test results the Hydro Dynamics HHO, Inc. team will be recommending that all vehicles with diesel engines install the ECO Fuel System Enhancer with their Hydrogen Booster’s.
The HydroDynamicsHHO.com team has been advancing Hydrogen Technologies since 1999. Their Hydro Dynamo Booster has improvements others do not have. The future of Hydrogen is here! Individuals and Companies who are interested in learning more about this cutting edge technology that can help reduce fuel costs and Carbon Pollution call or email us for the latest information and updates.
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