New Website for fuel saving updates -

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Everyone is asking “How can I save on fuel and get better mileage?” Now there is a place you can go for the latest information, products and updates.


ECOFuelMaximizer Save Fuel Reduce Pollution
PRLog-Jul. 25, 2014-FORT LAUDERDALE, is an information source with links to information sites (government, corporate and private) with products to help consumers; businesses and government reduce fuel consumption and Carbon Pollution.

With the cost of fuel rising and pollution changing our environment are causing the public to react. Changes in our weather patterns, flooding, storms, and tornadoes can be blamed on Global warming, a direct cause of Carbon Pollution.

It is time for the public to act. A gallon of gasoline has 19.42 pounds of Carbon Dioxide; a gallon of diesel fuel has 22.2 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (EPA). There are alternatives that businesses and the public can act on to help reduce the pollution that is causing Global Warming and health issues.

We need to protect our families and children from allergies and even worse cancer caused by the pollution we create. Years have gone by denying anything is wrong,  Carbon Dioxoid levels are at the highest levels in our history over 400 PPM. How long will it be until it is too late? Learn what you can do to help.

ECO Fuel Systems, LLC realizes the need to make the public aware and help save our environment. If your business, you or anyone you know wants to be informed call or email for more information.

Media Contact
ECO Fuel Systems
(866) 374-0002