Buses Small, Medium or Large
Millions of people depend on Buses: Coach, Shuttle and smaller Commuter Buses. Since 2007 diesel engine owners have experienced the wrath of Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) have reduced fuel efficiency, increased maintenance costs and downtime. Our ECO Fuel Enhancer is a proven Guaranteed solution to reducing Diesel Regeneration Cycles and wasted fuel and Diesel Emission Fluid used to clean a DPF.
Would you invest without risk to reduce Fuel Consumption, Hydrocarbon Pollution, Diesel REGENERATION Cycles, DPF maintenance (+/- 70%) (Regen report) and increase efficiency?
Interested in testing the ECO Fuel Enhancer on your Fleet? NO RISK, 90 day money back satisfaction Guarantee!
Important! Operating Principals by Richard Carlson a developer of the DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter.
* Increases Vapor Pressure (air-to-fuel flow ratio)
Diesel +/- 60%
Gasoline +/- 11%
Which ECO Do I need? - Products and Pricing (click here)
Are REGEN's hurting your budget? Solved! (REGEN 101)
How the ECO Fuel System works (click here)
First Transit, Emory University (January 2018)
Reduced Forced REGEN Cycles 47% - Bio-Diesel
2011 Eldorodo Coach 6.7 liter Cummins Diesel
PSTA St. Petersburg Florida (installation 9/2016):
Reduced Forced REGEN Cycles +/-75% (diesel fuel)
Since installation of the ECO-4 fuel filter/enhancer on their fleet (125+) of Gillig Coach Buses have reduced the need for Forced REGEN Cycles (+/-75%). Their breakdowns, maintenance savings and reduction in fuel consumption has saved Pinellas County thousands of dollars in operating costs. ROI less than 16 days.
Cummins ISB 250 HP. 900 gl/wk x .91573=824.16 gl/wk - 900=75.85 gl/wk saved. 75.85x$2.00=$151.70/wk in fuel savings. ROI +/- 16 days
MPG (click here).
REGEN Report (click here)
Broward County Transit
Installing ECO-4's on entire Fleet of Coach Buses (7/2019)
Broward DPF Cobra Clean Training Video
Palm Tran (installation (12/2017)
Palm Tran ECM Report (12/2017) 38% reduction (note-1 bad DPF, REGEN's may have been greater)
Votran - Volusia County Transit - Daytona Beach, Florida
LEETran - Lee County Transit - Ft. Meyers, Florida
Lee Tran ECM Report (fuel savings (8/2017)
Star Shuttle Charter Bus
We currently have close to 130 Eco Systems installed in our fleet, which consist of 100 Minivans and 30 Motor-Coaches. In studying our before and after effects we have averaged about 10-14% in fuel savings. We’ve also had less maintenance needed relating to fuel injectors etc. I’m sure this can be directly attributed to the addition of the Eco Systems.
Larry Gray, Star Shuttle - Paratrans Ops. Mgr
Prevost Motor Coach with a 14 liter Detroit Diesel - 575 HP
As the story goes, a famous music group with two Similar Prevost Coaches with 14 liter (575 HP) Detroit Diesels left SW Texas for Chicago. One had installed an ECO 5 unit to do a test. After arriving in Chicago the one with the ECO 5 used +/-800 gallons of fuel. The one without the ECO System used +/-1,000 gallons of fuel. Pleasantly surprised, they immediately called us and we shipped them another ECO 5 unit for the other bus. Now they are living happy ever after saving fuel, reducing REGEN maintenance and Carbon pollution.

What do your DPF's look like?
Clean without damaging them!
Cobra Clean
Escot Bus Lines is cleaning their DPF's and keeping them clean with the ECO Fuel Enhancer.